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Institute Mater  Dei  is blessed with a good library which has been built up over a period of 53 years. It is indeed  one of the major assets  with books on theology, philosophy and allied sciences with special attention to consecrated life and women  studies.
The library has over 18,000 books and 800 volumes of bound periodicals. It subscribes to 60 journals, weeklies and newspapers.   30 multi-volume encyclopedias is indeed a valued treasure which is well used by the Staff and Students.
 The library has computers with internet facilities and is in the process of developing access to E-sources.  A Software package is introduced for better management of browsing and accessing books.  One of the priorities of Institute  Mater Dei is the expansion of the library on yearly basis. We have a good library with many relevant books which would help the students for their research work reflection and study. 
Library is opened for the students from 8.30 am -12.30 pm 
and 1.30 pm – 5.30 pm  during the working days, Monday to Friday
Saturdays it is opened only in the morning hours.
Students are encouraged to make use of the library even during holidays by reserving the books of their choice.

Library is not open for non-students of IMD, therefore no issue and return for them.  It is exclusively for women religious only.