This is a One Year Diploma Course organized by the Institute Mater Dei mainly for women religious who are going to be Formators and persons holding responsibilities in their respective congregations.
Admission requirements
- The candidate must be a professed religious with at least 3 years of lived experience in Religious Communities, preferably between the age limit 30-40 years.
- She must have completed at least one year of Theological studies and graduation in secular studies.
- Residential student sisters who reside in Institute Mater Dei, during the course of the complete Academic year forming a religious community of prayer, study and activity.
- The medium of Communication in IMD is English. Therefore, adequate knowledge of English language is compulsory
The course places special emphasis on the spiritual, psychological, emotional and intellectual formation of the sisters through practical experience of life in the community, Liturgical Celebrations, Prayer, group dynamics, regular spiritual direction and creative interpersonal relationships, social analysis and exposure programmes. Special emphasis is given to formation in mission in the Indian context and Culture. Teaching practice and preparing retreat modules.
Examination and Assessment
- All courses will be evaluated with marks
- At the end of the academic year, during the Valedictory programme each student will be awarded with a Diploma and a marks card.