The Bachelor Degree course in Theology covers the duration of three years. It is an extension centre of The Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Religion, Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune.
Admission Requirements
- A Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution
- A course in philosophy of at least 60 credits or its equivalent
- Fluency in English language
- Basic knowledge in computers
Total No. of Credits 128
The Basic course alone carries 94 credits
Scripture Studies (30 Credits)
Systematic Theology (32 Credits)
Pastoral & Moral Theology (17 Credits)
Historical Theology (11 Credits)
Social Sciences (4 Credits)
Optionals (20 Credits)
Seminars (4 Credits)
B.Th essay ( 2 Credits)
Languages (8 Credits)
Basic N.T. Greek (2)
Basic Hebrew (2)
Basic Sanskrit (2)
Basic Latin (2)
A credit is a unit of study equivalent to about 15 class-periods and a corresponding periods of personal work (30 hours in all).
Examination and Assessment
- All courses will be evaluated with marks
- Both Basic and Optional Courses will be evaluated through mid-semester examinations as well as semester examinations on the dates indicated in the Handbook.
- Examinations may be oral, written or through an assignment.
- For more information contact IMD Office.